Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's A Beautiful Day

Yes, its a beautiful day out. I stated in an earlier post that I was planning on getting up and heading to the gym first thing in the morning. Well, since I've planning on doing that, I've run into a couple of issues. One is Hockey Playoffs and being in the Eastern Time Zone an my team playing 3 time zones away puts the games late at night. A second issue is I've developed pain in my right knee so I've taking it easier then normal. And third is that the kids are requiring a chauffeur a couple days a week.

Even with those situations, I've been able to string some days together with workouts. Walking a couple days then having to switch to a swim and today it was back to a walk. At lunch today, I hit the local park and actually found a nice trail through the woods. Half the trail is paved that runs along a road and the other half is gravel and runs through the woods around a lake. Life couldn't be much better.

I got a 35 minute walk in that couldn't have been much better unless I wouldn't have had to go back to work. That being said, I have no idea how far I went and don't care. Will I find out? Yes, but that won't be until I download the data from my Garmin. The goal here is to get out consistently and not to worry about how far or fast I go. Just that I do go.

Eating is eating at this point. What should I do for tonight? I've got some spinach, apples and that is about it for fresh veggies. There is also frozen veggies that could get steamed on the stove seeing that the microwave is still broken. Anything else in the house is not going to be good for me and I don't have time between work and picking up the kids to shop. And by the time I get the kids, there is not enough time to shop and cook but that looks like what I'll have to do.

Question: Could one of my kids not like a lot of the foods because he has anxiety? From experience it is very hard to when your stomach is in knots. How do I get him past it? Should I find something that he will eat and make sure we have a lot of it on hand. What is out there to calm his stomach? I feel that is the reason he is so fussy about what is on his plate. At what age do they start eating better?

I have come up with more questions then answers so it is time to cut out.

Live Beyond The Ordinary
Live Without Limits

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