Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is going on here?

As the season progresses, we keep looking at the measurable accomplishments, like heart rate during our runs and rides, or our weight. Well after my first month or so of base building, I look back at where I was in comparison to where I am now. Below are the goals I had set out for myself for the last 4 weeks.

Where do I want to be in the next 4 weeks?- Lose Weight- 5K pace improved by 5%- Belt tightened by one notch

How did I do, well here are the results

- Lose Weight – lost 5 pounds - 5K pace improved by 5% - cut 15.2%
- Belt tightened by one notch – one notch achieved.


Looking at the results it appears that my goal for my 5k pace was not high enough, or I was so far out of shape when I began that there was no were to go but up. With the weight loss, there is not as much as I would have like to have seen, but the rate is right where is should have been for long term health.

What should I look for over the next 4 weeks? The path that I am on is a good one and there is time before triathlon season begins in the area. Therefore, for the next 4 weeks, my goals are going to remain the same with the exception of improving my 5k pace by 10%. These will keep me on track for a summer of fun.

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Over the past month I have developed a few good habits. There are a few more that I want to incorporate into my life. With March being a very crazy month in our household, the few habits that were developed are actually remarkable. Now with those ingrained, more can be added on top of them. Today is a new day and I don't want to wonder a year from now why I didn't start some of these things today.

The other day I saw the first Robin of the season. It seems that it is later in the year then normal, but it is one of the first signs of spring. Spring means that we can finally get outside and get off the dread mill or hamster wheel. To up my volume, this weekend will be the start of the kids getting out with me. The goal with them in the beginning is to make it fun and keep them safe. So for the youngest, it may just be a mile or less in the jogging stroller and with the oldest about a mile of more on his bike while I run/jog with him. I may have to go out and get some miles in before swinging by the house and getting one or both them to finish off the workout.

One of things that I've been mulling over in my head is a 5k race in my hometown in July. My hesitation is from not knowing who the race involves. In the city, a 5k race draws all kinds of age groupers and athletes. But in the sticks, I am making the assumption that the racers will only be the young kids. So, for this year, I may try to check out the race and maybe volunteer for it. I do have to be in the area then and would like to get a workout in though and the race would be a great way to do it. I don't know?

Today's experiment is going to be an after dinner smoothie. There are always bananas and fruit in the house, but I want to get some vegetables into this one. We'll see what happens and I'll report out on it.

Small steps are better then no steps.

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