Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Magic Bullet - Keep it Up

I think I found the magic bullet. Today I was able to get a workout in during lunch. My gym is pretty close to my work and I ran out during lunch for a trial run to the gym. It took a little longer to get there then planned so my workout was a little shorter then I would have liked. All told, I got a quick swim in to work on my breathing and stroke turnover. It apparently worked. The tell is that my shoulders are a little sore, which feels great.

Being that I work at a couple different locations, and that my gym has multiple locations, I can get a workout in at lunch at both locations. So for now I have scheduled my lunch hours over the next month for workouts and hopefully no one squats on my time with another meeting. The plan will be to get a run or ride in on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and a Swim in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If I am lucky, maybe I can get a second workout in at home while the kids sleep.

A half dozen years ago I read a book by Total Immersion on triathlon swimming. Along with it I had a DVD that demonstrated the drills to improve the efficiency of your stroke. While traveling for work, I would go out for a run then when back at the hotel, I would review a drill a day and then head to the hotel pool and practice one of those drills. This was great for my stroke and I improved dramatically. Unfortunately I have misplaced the DVD and now have to purchase a new one.

After all the started and then getting pulled off track, I am excited about being able to find a consistent time to get a workout in. Now to make workouts as effective as possible I need to do some planning. For my riding and running I use a heart rate monitor and have been researching how to best use heart rate to get the most out of workouts. The biggest thing is to find your maximum heart rate. For this there are a few different methods. The most accurate is a time trial run or ride. Not wanting to subject myself to this, there are a couple of formulas. The most widely used and the least accurate is to subtract your age from 220 and the resultant is your max HR. Seeing that the winter time is time for rebuilding a base, the goal is to workout in the 60~70% of max range. So for the next month, that’s were I will be.

I have a friend that says "Losers Complain while Winner Train". So it is time to plan the training and work the plan.

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