Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Man In The Mirror

They say that everyone needs a break. Why does it seem like I am on a perpetual break? The year started out great, but the last few weeks I've fallen off the wagon. It first starts with family obligation gets in the way, then work. Now that work is out of the way, issues with the family have risen to the top. Will this cycle ever end and I can get back to training?

Even though I have been working out consistently at lunchtime for the last 8-10 weeks, I find that the mental excuses creep into my mind when there is the time to get a workout in. These excuses have made it much easier just to skip the workouts. Why do we give in? One reason is that for the most part, we are only accountable to ourselves. We rarely meet anyone at the gym or for other workouts. When no one else cares, why should we? Besides, if we don't workout, who will know? Yes, the axiom comes into play, where we are only cheating ourselves. If we are working out for ourselves, then we are the only ones that are going to care and if we are the one with the excuses then why not skip it?

My biggest question is how do I get past this? If I am accountable to someone else, then the likely hood that a workout is going to be skipped is minimized. But, who? Another method is to publish your workout schedule where you can see it. Put your weekly plan on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror where you will see it in every morning. I am going to try this starting next week. With these last two weeks of having work and family obligations that have caused me to miss half my workouts. Next week will be the start of a 4 week session of speed work, strength building and technique work. So it is time to bring the split personality back and hold myself accountable to the person in the mirror.

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