Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Is Life Always In The Way?

Another weekend in the books and once again life got in the way of my plans. With a birthday party on Saturday and a house full of people, there was not much I could do. Besides, what is life if you don't want to spend time with family and friends? On this occasion I am glad that life got in they way of my plans. It was really nice to see everyone and to know that everyone is going great. Glad to see you all.

My pattern seems to be every 3rd day being able to get a very short workout in. At this pace, it may take some time, but at least there has been very little muscle soreness from the core work. Fortunately there is a lot or research on short intense workouts and their benefits, because when it really counts, that’s what I am really going to need.

There is one legal disclaimer that is attached to every workout routine, "Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise program". This year I am going to take that to heart. No pun intended. But, during my harder runs last year, I started to feel pain in my chest. When I went in for my annual physical, I mentioned this to my doctor. He has now scheduled me for an echo stress test. So, I get to go be a lab rat and run on a wheel with wire hanging off me. It is scheduled for this week. So, hopefully when that is done, I can get a clean bill of health and start working on some endurance.

I stated last week that I wanted to dive into my goals a little deeper. Before I do that, I want to figure out my motivation. Looking at pictures of my kids, they are the first thing that comes to mind. Being around for them, being here as they grow up and seeing them mature into adults with families of their own. They are what inspires me to do the things I do to get healthy. My motivation comes from the realization that I will not be around for or with them forever. Morbid talk, I know, but that is why we look to get ourselves healthy. It is our own mortality that drives us to try to live longer. It is our mortality that motivates us and it is the things that we live for that are our inspiration.

My short term goals are what I want to accomplish now, or within the next 6 weeks. As I go through them, I want to place some measure to them. One of the first things that comes to mind in the short term is to have more energy. What does that mean? How do I know when that has happened? I don't want to have to drag myself out of bed in the morning. Is that what reaching this goal is going to be like? I don't know, maybe I should just try to move on to other goals and come back to this one later.

Next, I want to drop one waist size. When I hold up my pants, I can't believe that my butt is that wide. If you really want an eye opener, take a pair of paint and hold them up. I know that I am not that big, but I am larger then what the medical field says a healthy person my height should be. Reminder to self…. Small Steps….. This is one goal that may be vane, but when I reach it, I will know, without a shadow of doubt.

My third short term goal is to get active every day of the week. This may be the hardest one with the two kids needing interaction. But, if I can get up 15 minutes earlier every morning and work on core one day and arms and legs the next, that will be success. Just by doing some bedside exercises. As you can tell be my previous posts, it is not working out, but we are making progress.

So, there they are,

1. Drop one pant size
2. Get 15 minutes in a day
3. Have more energy.

If anyone has suggestions on carving out the time to try to meet these short term goals while trying to live the life of a husband, father, friend and co-worker, please let me know. Also, if anyone know of a simple easy to use log for both exercise and food, I am looking for one. Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and let's remember "Even small steps are better then no steps"

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