Friday, October 16, 2009

Rest Is Good

Well, today is a rest day. This was a last minute decision due to continued muscle soreness. We'll just pick up tomorrow where we left off. Other then the muscle soreness, I feel good.

I had an echo stress test yesterday. The good news is that I lasted longer then most of the local pro athletes that they have through there. The not so good new is that the results take some time. There was nothing eventful about the test, no surprises and no issues. So all is apparently well, until the Dr. calls to say otherwise. My recent ankle injury flared up during the test, but only when the treadmill got to 16% grade. The plan will be modified to incorporate some stretching and strengthening of the ankles.

The approach of getting things ready the night before and setting the alarm to go to bed is working great. Each night there is more and more that gets accomplished before lights out. This all is helping my energy level in the mornings. Although, the kids are fighting bed time more every night, so we'll have to nip that one in the bud right away.

I am still in the market for a good log book. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, just something that I can jot down what gets done and how it felt. It would be nice if it were universal where meals, strength and conditioning. Ha, it is starting to sound like the log should just be a journal.

Small steps are better then no steps…. We'll work on longer strides later.

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