Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Choices We Make

Well its been a few days since an update has been posted. Currently things are going to plan. Although, there is an urge to do more and go harder, I keep reminding myself that the first four weeks are for core work and developing healthy habits.

Yesterday was a tough day for temptations. In the vening there was a craving for one of those big juicy burgers that we shouldn't eat. Not that I am swearing off them completely, but it is best that I don't have one until healthy eating has become second nature to me.

From the healthy eating side, a grapefruit, banana and apple find their way into my lunch on a daily basis. To keep them company there is a small army of almonds. The day normally starts with oatmeal or one of the pieces of fruit. Another piece of fruit is consumed around 9:30 or 10:00 and then there is lunch at 11:00. After lunch the fruit and nuts are my afternoon snacks. It seems like I am eating consistently. With all this food and 64 oz of water throughout the workday, I am usually not hungry when I get home at the end of the day. A big success has been the freedom not to have an evening snack. So far it is not missed. Although I am asked on a daily basis if I want one and I have turn it down for the last three weeks.

This reminds me of a teaching by a Zen Master on goals. If we se out to lose weight and set our goal at the end result, we will do what we can to reach that goal. But, once we reach the goal, we revert back to our old habits. These are the same habits that are the reason we were losing the weight to begin with and we put the weight back on. Instead if we focus on the journey and make the choice to eat healthy, then we develop good eating habits and the weight will come off on its own. Therefore it is in our power to choose to eat healthy or not to. We have the freedom to choose. If we want to make a change in our lives, then we need to make different choices.

Back to my progress, there has been some muscle soreness in my lower abdominals. This is only showing up during pushups and not bridges. It most likely has to do with my form and the way that my abdomen is being held. It is not something that comes out fatigue sets in nor is it there for crunches or planks, which leads back to form. The reps are getting easier, therefore if the form can be corrected, there will be an increase in the number of reps. It is nice to see the strength coming back. The additional intensity will come soon enough. Maybe a thought would be to improve flexibility while things are going good.

Small step are better then no steps.

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