Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Training Log

For those that have stumbled onto this blog, I am a little scattered and not very good at keeping up with it. I rarely flag anything and when I did there was more traffic. But seeing that I am not doing this for the traffic, who cares

If I put in my head that this will be a record of my training with some of the other stuff mixed in then I'll probably do better so here we go.

I am still working on Z2 or as it used to be called LSD. Today was an early morning trip to the gym to use a treadmill. Since the treadmill in my house is worn out and the motor won't stay constant, I've given up on it an head to the gym. Maybe I should look into fixing it seeing that my wife won't let me replace it because it works for her. With that aside, back to the workout. I planned on 40 minutes of Z2 cardio and was tooling along fine until the 26 minute mark. At that point my right knee began to bother me so I called it at 30 minutes. The problem I've run into in the past is that I over do it and these little nagging injuries keep me from making any real progress. So to stay in it for the long haul, it was better to end it at that point.

On the food front, yesterday and last night were good. I didnt' overeat and what I did eat was well balanced. Not as many vegetables as I wanted at lunch but I think dinner made up for that.

For dinner it was a green smoothie. My son helped to make it and chose what ingredients we would put in. We started with a blender full of spinach, added a banana, some cherry tomatoes and apples. He loved watching the blender shred things. I tried to get him to lick it, but that didn't go over well. By the time he stopped running I had already poured it into a bottle. We did end up with a little extra fiber in the smoothie due to being over zealous with a wooden spoon. Needless to say the spoon is shorter and I am sure I've ingested the majority of it.

Breakfast has been oatmeal and some Fig Newman's again, only enough to curb the appetite. Now to just keep it up.

I was just thinking about my moods lately. In the past, co-workers would ask me why I was in such a good mood and my quick response was always the same thing. "Today I am going to change the World". That response was because I believe that even very small contributions can make an impact on the world. Recently I haven't been living with that type of attitude. That was until I heard someone describe the participants in the Boston Marathon as people that "Live Beyond The Ordinary". that phrase immediately struck a cord with me and I had to write it down less I forget it all together. I like it so much that I plan on designing a T-Shirt with it and hopefully will have a poster in each of my boys rooms with that on it.

Okay back to real life and time to stop rambling.

Go out and make a change today and remember "LIVE BEYOND THE ORDINARY"

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