Monday, April 29, 2013

Back At It

Just a quick post. I can't believe that this is my first post of the year and that I only posted twice last year. Let's change that by makeing them quick and as short as they need to be. Who know's maybe I'll just ramble until they are as long or longer then before......

After going I got in bed the other night, I felt a pain in my chest. A very minor pain but a pain nun the less. This was after I had stayed up late that night to watch a hockey game and I was the last one to go to sleep in the house. This was one of those moments where you come to realize that something must change.

With two young boys, I want to be around awhile. My last physical was good, but my cholesterol was a little high. With heart desease running in my family something has to be done about this. In the past I've relied on excersise to get my numbers down and I plan on the same thing but I also plan on getting my diet in order.

The young boys aren't making it easy to clean up the diet. They are fussy eaters so the menu is limited. If I am going to do this I must break away from the family and eat my own food.

Here's the plan. I want to change the balance of food on my plate. Instead of a hearty portion of meat or protein, I plan on substituting vegitables. I am also looking to eliminate wheat from my diet. This means the elimination or the replace my beloved plain pasta with gluten free varieties. The holes and questions I have are; Do I give up beer? Should I eliminated Dairy and Wheat completely or just limit the consumption of them? For now, I am just going to limit them and see how that goes.

The other part of the plan is going to be the old tried and true activity of cardio excersise. I haven't completely stopped my cardio workouts, but life has gotten in the way recently and I've fallen off the wagon. I started the year out good and was making progress. That progress is gone. Normally I would just start back in where I left off, but I need to change something about my cardio or I'll just let life get in the way again and stop. So this time it is back to the basics. LSD or Z2 training is where it is going to be. That means that today for my half hour cardio workout, I kept my heartrate down in Zone 2. This ment that I only was able to walk at a brisk pace. I am good with that for now. In the near future that may not be the case but it is good now. Some people say limit your workout to the point where you question the value of it.

I am also going to change when I workout. It's been relatively easy to get a half hour in at lunch time, but I would like to stretch that out to an hour. To do that it looks like I'll need to head out of the house early in the morning and hit the gym and if I am needed at home to help get the boys off to school then I'll need to run home after my workout. If I start early enough than that shouldn't be an issue.

So in summary the workouts are going to be longer and early in the morning. The diet is going to change to become a majority of vegitables if not completely. I really want this to work for me and my family, So Wish Me Luck.

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