Thursday, November 17, 2011

Would You, Could You.

An idea has been bouncing around in my mind for a while. It is a question that I would like to pose on Twitter or Facebook. It is just that I am not quite sure how to phrase it. So I'll try it here.

If you could travel back in time to witness any event that occurred in history, where and when would that be? The key word here is "Witness". You could only be an observer and have no ability to change and can not affect history in any way. So would you go back in time and could you do it without trying to change things?

I've been trying to come up with my Top 3 events that I would like to see. As of right now, here they are

1. The Assassination of JFK
2. Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn
3. The Discovery of Fire

What would yours be?

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