Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Recovery Continues

Trying to get back at it is not easy. After pulling my hamstring during a pickup Hockey game 8 weeks ago, I've been making weekly trips to the Physical Therapist. For the first time, I got on the treadmill during lunch today to start running again. I've wanted to for the last couple weeks, but have not gotten the motivation to actually do it. Well, I did it and I feel good now.

My workout was for 15 minutes. The first 2 were walking to warm up, the next 3 were at a jog. While jogging, my hamstring tightened and felt really weak. I'll have to talk to my therapist in the morning about that. With the 2:3 intervals, I was able to get a mile in over those 15 minutes. Yep, slow, but I am just getting back at it. I'll try again in a couple days.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Would You, Could You.

An idea has been bouncing around in my mind for a while. It is a question that I would like to pose on Twitter or Facebook. It is just that I am not quite sure how to phrase it. So I'll try it here.

If you could travel back in time to witness any event that occurred in history, where and when would that be? The key word here is "Witness". You could only be an observer and have no ability to change and can not affect history in any way. So would you go back in time and could you do it without trying to change things?

I've been trying to come up with my Top 3 events that I would like to see. As of right now, here they are

1. The Assassination of JFK
2. Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn
3. The Discovery of Fire

What would yours be?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blogger Month

I didn't know this was Blogger month. Wow, I am behind on posting a blog every day. I'll just have to jump right in now and go for the balance of the month.

On top of it being Blogger month, it is also National Novel Writing Month. That is tow things that I should be doing but am not… If I can finish strong with the Blog I'll be doing good.

It has been a while since I've posted anything. For now, I am in physical therapy due to a pulled hamstring suffered while playing hockey. It is difficult to find the time to do my exercises at home but if it can be kept to 30 minutes I'll be able to get them in. On top of the PT I am trying to incorporate an old Ab routine called Ultimate Abs II. Each night I can feel it in my Abs even without moving up to the next level. They say that it should take at least a month one each level before you advance. So far that is definitely the case.
With the therapy and the Ab workout, there has been no change in the weight. As my hamstring recovers and recuperates, I'll eventually get to do more cardio and the weight should start coming down. For now it is rest and recovery.