Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Brand New Day

Okay I promise to update more often. For now I am tying to doitfrommy mobile phone so please excuse the typos.

It's been a while. I started out the year okay but quickly found myself unmotivated. I even entered the Running Fit T-Rex Triathlon series trying to finds motivation. That has not worked. All that happened is Ive done the races under prepared. So what now?

Well, I do enjoy the three sports of triathlon. So, I plan on continuing that part of my life. I'malso looking for another challenge. A few weeks ago I started to think about doing an event for charity. There may be more to come on that in the future.

For now I'm looking to get in better shape and a whole lot heartier. This last weekend was a new start to my transformation. Looking at where I am starting from. A normal BMI for a male is 25. I am starting at over 28 and this is classified as overweight. To get to where it is recommended for me to be is 25 pounds. This can't happen unless I make a lifestyle change. Being that there are more then just myself in the household, it will be no easy task. For the interim I'll settle for losing half the weight.

My goal for this week is to run 3 days. If I can do that it will be a step in the right direction as far as accrediting goes. The other goal I have for the shot term is to get more vegetables on my plate the meat. If I can do this for most of the week I'll be off to a pretty good start.

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