Monday, February 28, 2011

Two Updates In One

This update is a couple days late. I was unable to get time this weekend to update this blog so now is the time. Saturday was set as a day for a long or in my case just a longer run. The goal was to go for 50 minutes and get some time on tired legs. That definitely worked. At about the 45 minute mark my legs felt heavy but in total I went for 55 minutes. Also, there were sessions for inversion both before and after the run of 5 minutes each and with 12 inverted sit-ups each. After that, my back was feeling really good. An additional benefit is that my right hip that has been bothering me is feeling better also. I am too chicken to have the Doctor check it out for fear that he will find that the socket is so worn down that a new hip would be needed. My brother has gone through that and I don't want to. I am still going without the glucosamine and am not feeling any ill affects from it. There is just the normal soreness that comes with the beginning of any training after an extended rest period. That is good.

Today it was up early for another 35 minutes on the rat wheel. This time upping the pace a little from last week. The plan is for periodization with a 10% increase during the weekly runs for three weeks then backing down on the fourth. The pace was a little quicker then last week in the same amount of time, with my heart rate staying the same if not recovering quicker. These are all goods signs. On another note, the inversion experiment is off. I will be looking for other means of loosening up my back and neck. So for now it is back to the crunches and planks for core work.

Let Pain Be Your Guide

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