Friday, February 25, 2011

Improvement Already

Day 3 Session 2

My legs were a little sore when morning arrived yesterday so the best thing for me was to skip the workout. There has been one thing that I was going to track along with the inversion therapy and that is the elimination of Glucosamine from my dose of daily supplements. It is kind of by accident that that happened but I figured why not give it a go. Glucosamine has been part of my daily supplements for years. Matter of fact, I can't remember when I first started to take it. I ran out a couple weeks ago and from past experience should start feeling it by now.

My history with Glucosamine started when knee pain started to affect my playing basketball. Someone recommended it and so I started to take Glucosamine/Condroitin supplements. After a couple weeks of taking in and apparently having the glucosamine build up in my system, my knees started to feel better. From then on I've taken it with rare exception. Those exceptions came when I would run out and just be too lazy to go get more. After a couple weeks of being off it, my knees would give me issues again and I would then head out for more. About a year ago, while reading up on Glucosamine a number of studies pointed out the lack a evidence that the Condroitin had any benefits. They also stated that Glucosamine Sulfate showed slightly better results then Glucosamine Hydrochloride. At that time I switched to strictly Glucosamine Sulfate with no adverse affects and a slightly lower out of pocket expense. And that is where I'm at to date.

Today with the inversion, I stuck with 5 minutes inverted broken into two sessions, prior to running 2.6 miles on the treadmill. I forgot about the inverted sit-ups prior to running but was able to incorporate some movement of the lower back, upper back and neck. During this I could feel some loosening in the neck and upper back and it appears to be heading in the right direction. The reason for breaking the inversion into two sessions was that the stress on my ankles was more severe then previously. Next time I will be looking at how the cuffs are fitting and aligned.

During my run, there was not the usual leg stiffening that occurs during my early morning workouts. This is a very good sign. Once again after the run, I rested and then inverted again for two sessions totaling 5 minutes. This time I remembered the inverted sit-ups and was able to complete 10 of them with deterioration in form so I did not increase the reps.. With the sit-ups and the twisting of the three regions the time flew by.

So far today there has been no soreness or stiffness. I can crack my neck and upper back when there is a need to alleviate that tense feeling. That is one of the side effects that I was looking for. As the therapy continues, hopefully the need to "crack" my back decreases as the alignment and loosening of the vertebrae improve.

As a side note and I doubt if it is related to the inversion, I've started to have some G.I. issues. Hopefully it is from an external source but only time can tell.

Maybe next time I'll post some pictures of the inversion table and the movements. That is if I can get someone or someway to take them.

Let Pain Be Your Guide…..

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