Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mount Rushmore

Well, lets get this thing documented. Yesterday I went to physical therapy. I spoke to my therapist about the tightness and weakness in my left hamstring. After putting me through a few new moves and checking a couple more things out he tells me it is the stiffness in my back that is the root cause. The pulled hamstring that I suffered should not be causing any issues the long after the original injury. So we've switched our focus from the legs to the back.
After running me through a routine, he sent me to a table for some stretching. There was nothing new with any of the stretches, just having someone push and manipulate you in the proper fashion made a big difference. As of today, I am still sore from some of the stretches. It is now my assignment to continue with the stretching routine on a daily basis. I'll try to fit it in every evening when the family permits me too.

As I write this, I am listening to Mike on the Dirt Dawg's Running Diatribe podcast episode #101. He referenced the Books on the Nightstand podcast episode #156 and about creating a "Literary Mount Rushmore" of books that have influenced you. He has taken the exercise and done it a couple of different ways. The first time he referred to the people who he would put up on Mount Rushmore for influencing him in his life and a second time with the Running books that have influenced him.

I have asked a question for years that some people thought odd and others thought interesting. Who, living, dead or fictional would you like to have dinner with and why. The answers that people have given me have varied. Some have surprised me and others where right along the lines that you figured they would and matched their personalities.

I ask this. Who would you put on Mount Rushmore, why and if you could have dinner with them, what would you want to talk about?