Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Knowing What We Don't Know

"The learning and knowledge that we have, is, at the most, but little compared with that of which we are ignorant." - Plato

Do you consider yourself a subject matter expert? For myself, I know more about some things then most, but at the same time know that there is someone that knows more about it then I do. Don't get caught in believing that your way is the only way or that what you know is the only way that it can be. Open your ears and your mind and listen to what others have to say. Who knows, we may learn something.

To put it another way; We don't know what we don't know.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Conversation Vs. Publication

Blogging is a relatively new way to communicate; at least it is for me. For the majority of us "bloggers" it is a forum that allows us to document ideas, thoughts and log our progress towards a goal. Others use it as a means of discussing a topic. Why did I start one? Well, I just wanted a place to throw out some of my hair brained ideas. Then it evolved into a log of what I was doing to make my life/health better. Now I am going tack to a log of my random thoughts and/or what an inspirational quote means to me. Like it or not, these are going to be my thought and ramblings, which I am sure will differ from what others think.

So for today:

"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with car for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." – Budda

To me this quote can be looked at in a couple of ways. First, we are an example to others, good or bad, someone is watching/listening to us and who know what their mind will grasp onto and what they will be influenced by. It may be our kids, the little boy down the street or even one of our coworkers. Most of the time we never know who is watching us. It can even happen that at a when we are very young; someone thinks that we are the best there is. We just never know. I think that one of the greatest compliments that can be paid to a person is that someone wants to be just like them. This, I know is something others don't like. Oh well, this is only my opinion. Either way, we should live our lives as an example to others.

The second way is that what we say can be taken in a glass half full or a glass half empty type of way depending on the outlook of the listener. Words are words and can have multiple meanings. Word of inspiration to some will only enrage others. Choose your words carefully and it is always okay to agree to disagree.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Year End Already !!!

Well, for me it is the end of a year. Yes, the end of the year already. Some of my goals have been met, while others have not. All in all, the year was a success. I feel better, have fewer aches and pains then I did last year.

Now is the time to start planning for next year. What, Where, Who and Why are questions running through my mind. How do I incorporate more family life into what I want to do without being too selfish?